Monday, July 22, 2024

Table of contents (Edgar Wallace Krimis)

This blog is dedicated to covering the whole plethora or classic German Krimis, thrillers etc.

A large chunk of that is of the course the series of 32 Rialto Krimis plus adjacent productions (Bryan Edgar Wallace films or non-Rialto Wallaces).

What was missing so far was a list of all the relevant films with links to show which ones I have already covered and looking at this list, I just realised that there is still a lot that needs to be done.

This document will always be a work in progress that I will keep updated whenever I add some new info to this blog and eventually I can foresee that I will also end up providing similar overview posts for the other franchises as I noticed while compiling this list that I often appear to have posted stuff about the lesser known productions rather than the Edgar Wallace films. (Yes, I know, I'm weird.)

Full reviews are provided by clicking on the title links. Links to promotional material are given after the film title.

This post can also quickly be found by checking out the Featured Post gadget at the top of the side bar on the right.

Edgar Wallace 


1. Der Frosch mit der Maske/Fellowship of the Frog (1959) 

2. Der Rote Kreis/The Crimson Circle (1959) 

3. Die Bande des Schreckens/The Terrible People (1960) 

4. Der Grüne Bogenschütze/The Green Archer (1961) 

5. Die Toten Augen von London/Dead Eyes of London (1961): Slideshow 

6. Das Geheimnis der grünen Narzissen/The Devil’s Daffodil (1961) 

7. Der Fälscher von London/The Forger of London (1961) 

8. Die seltsame Gräfin/The Strange Countess (1961): Film Program

9. Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee/Secret of the Red Orchid (1962): Film Program

10. Die Tür mit den 7 SchlössernThe Door With Seven Locks (1962)  

11. Das Gasthaus an der Themse/The Inn on the River (1962) 

12. Der Zinker/The Squeaker (1963) 

13. Der schwarze Abt/The Black Abbot (1963) 

14. Das indische Tuch/The Indian Scarf (1963) 

15. Zimmer 13/Room 13 (1964): Lobby Cards

16. Die Gruft mit dem Rätselschloss/The Curse of the Hidden Vault (1964)  

17. Der Hexer/The Ringer (1964): Slideshow, Podcast, Film Poster, Film Program

18. Das Verrätertor/Traitor’s Gate (1964) 

19. Neues vom Hexer 

20. Der unheimliche Mönch/The Sinister Monk (1965) 

21. Der Bucklige von Soho/The Hunchback of Soho (1966) 

22. Das Geheimnis der weissen Nonne/The Trygon Factor (1966) 

23. Die blaue Hand/Creature with the Blue Hand (1967): Lobby Cards

24. Der Mönch mit der Peitsche/The College Girl Murders (1967) 

25. Der Hund von Blackwood Castle/The Monster of Blackwood Castle (1968): Lobby Cards

26. Im Banne des Unheimlichen/The Zombie Walks (1968): Lobby Cards

27. Der Gorilla von Soho/The Gorilla Gang (1968): Lobby Cards

28. Der Mann mit dem Glasauge/The Man With the Glass Eye (1968)The Phantom vs Glass Eye (Death Match), Lobby Cards

29. Das Gesicht im Dunkeln/Double Face/A doppia faccia (1969) 

30. Der Tote aus der Themse/Angels of Terror (1971) 

31. Das Geheimnis der grünen Stecknadel/What Have You Done to Solange?/Cosa avete fatto a Solange? (1972): Lobby Cards

32. Das Rätsel des Silbernen Halbmonds/Seven Blood-Stained Orchids/Sette orchidee macchiate di rosso (1972) 

 Bryan Edgar Wallace: 

1. Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Koffer/The Secret of the Black Trunk (1961)  

2. Der Würger von Schloss Blackmoor/The Strangler of Blackmoor Castle (1963)

3. Der Henker von London/The Mad Executioners (1963): Lobby Cards

4. Das Phantom von Soho/The Phantom of Soho (1963): The Phantom vs Glass Eye (Death Match), Film Program

5. Das Ungeheuer von London City//The Monster of London City (1964) 

6. Das siebente Opfer/The Racetrack Murders (1964): Lobby Cards

7. Der Todesrächer von Soho/The Corpse Packs His Bags (1971): Lobby Cards


1. Der Rächer/The Avenger (1960): Film Program

2. Der Fluch der gelben Schlange/The Curse of the Yellow Snake (1963)

3. Das Rätsel des silbernen Dreiecks/Circus of Fear (1966) 

4. Die Pagode zum fünften Schrecken/Five Golden Dragons (1967): Podcast

5. Der Teufel kam aus Akasava/The Devil Came from Akasava (1971)

Also check out:

Rialto Wallace Top 5 - Guest Contribution by Douglas Waltz

MAELSTROM 01 - French fanzine dedicated to the Edgar Wallace Krimis

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