Friday, May 20, 2011

A Visit to Klaus Kinski's birthhouse

How to enjoy a drink in Klaus Kinski's birthhouse in three easy steps:

Step 1:

Watch the German language Kinski documentary Ich bin kein Schauspieler and marvel at the fact that his birthhouse in Sopot (Poland) is now a bar and a gallery. (In order to view the entire documentary you may need to download the Veoh player but the relevant sequences are right at the start of the clip.)

Watch Klaus Kinski - Ich bin kein Schauspieler in Lifestyle  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Step 2:

Find out exactly where the house is located (Tadeusza Kościuszki 10, 81-704 Sopot) and then discover that there are direct flights from Cork to Gdansk which is just down the road from Sopot.

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Step 3 (7 months later):

Arrive at the door of the bar and enjoy a few bevvies.

For the next issue of Mirek Lipinski's LATARNIA magazine I will write a more detailled account of my visit but for the time being enjoy some of the photos I took of it. Incidentally, for LATARNIA I will also seriously expand my previous posts about the Louis Weinert-Wilton movies with additional info on all four productions as well as on the original novels. Very little has been written about these novels in German, practically nothing about them in English so check out more announcements about these articles later this year.